right to health
Czech children forcibly removed from their home for treatment and school attendance had their rights under the CRC violated.
Communication No. 139/2021 B.J. and P.J. v. Czech Republic -
Deportation of a child with health needs to Georgia does not violate the right to health of the CRC
Communication 110/2020 K.K. v. Switzerland -
Committee on the Rights of the Child Asks Peru to Decriminalise Abortion in Cases of Child Pregnancy
Camila V Peru -
Repatriation of Finnish children whose parents are linked to terrorist activities from refugee camps in the Syrian Arab Republic
Communication No. 100/2019 P.N. et al v. Finland -
Expulsion of a deaf child to Russia violates CRC due to a lack of medical treatment
Communication 74/2019 Z.S. and A.S. on behalf of K.S. and M.S. v. Switzerland
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